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Reader Thread - A Dish Best Served Cold

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Ah, that was in Chretien? I'd forgotten where that came from (I've forgotten everything! Sad ) But yeah, teehee, I was um, trying not to bring that up Wink Didn't want to speak ill of the dead character and all that.

Percy doesn't seem to have had a particular horse either, but at least he doesn't seem to have killed any!



Ahem, I notice you're talking about 'gnome-power' in your plot thread, so rather than interupt there, I thought I'd post a few random suggestions here.

If they're allied with nature, can they make plants grow faster? (and/or become slightly sentient)I mean, like a rose bush or vines suddenly growing really fast in inconvenient places? growing over in pathways so people trip up..growing up walls and in through castle windows - and yeah, sharp and spiky so thorns in painful places?

Also, are they like garden gnomes? are any of them fishing? Could they hook and reel things in closer to them?



OMG those are good ideas! I especially like the idea of plant control. I don't know about fishing though-- I mean, if they are supposed to be protectors of the forest I can't imagine them eating meat. They're probably vegan Razz They are garden gnomes. We are trying to figure out a good time/person to find some in the garden and give them to Arthur. Maybe Elaine or Gwen, maybe Percival? Arthur can't be the only one who thinks they're funny.



Yeah, the fishing thing wouldn't really work if they're vegetarian...

How about Elyan? Finding them I mean - somehow I can see him giving them to Arthur and then Gwen grouching at him in a sisterly way because she thinks they're tacky and they're cluttering up her and Arthur's rooms?



haha! yes that could work! Aside from being the one who sings the Rolling Stones songs, we don't talk about him much Razz

Chocolate Honey Apples

Chocolate Honey Apples

Just a quick post to say I LOVE this story so far, the last chapter made me laugh Wink especially when merlin's like "it's alright m'lady. Leons very good with things between his..." honestly, I cracked up completely xD he he, I can't really find any fault in it at all to be honest! The Friday knight series is like my DREAM stories so obviously, I love em. Thank you Wink



aaawwww thanks! Very Happy let us know if you have ideas...or what you'd like to see more of!

Chocolate Honey Apples

Chocolate Honey Apples

Just a quickie to say I LOVE the recent chapter! And I HATE Sir K! I'm just too overprotective over my little Leon...:3 Anyway, I have a QUESTION! (ooh!) Yes...Gwaine said in one chapter that he was alright from the gnomes because he wasn't of noble blood...but he is? Have I missed something? Sorry if I have! Anyway sorry I didn't post earlier, I thought I had but it seemingly didn't post...Sad Anyway, can't wait for the next chapter! (And I want to kick K!)



No, you didn't miss anything...except that Gwaine's in denial. Razz Of course he will be in danger, it's just his cavalier, it-won't-happen-to-me attitude he normally has!

Chocolate Honey Apples

Chocolate Honey Apples

Oh ok yeah, I was wondering whether it was just Gwaine being Gwaine Wink he he, Gwaine...ok thank you! Really cant wait for another chapter soon! Are you going to post this story on btw? XD



yep! eventually we will...It's Maeglin's turn, so she will be the one posting it. Finals are still going on so hopefully I can bug her into posting the first chapter to fanfiction next week some time?



Yes, it'll be on presently.

And I'll be posting soon. I blame Caitydid for telling me to check tumblr first. Razz

Chocolate Honey Apples

Chocolate Honey Apples

THEY KISSED! YAY! I LOVE THEM THEY ARE SO CUTE! :3 I can't WAIT for more!! Love it love it love, can't think of any criticism xD



tee hee! glad you like it! Razz



I fixed this post so it's got some nods to "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" where the lady "tempts" Gawain. SHE GIVES HIM A GREEN RIBBON GUYS GET IT GET IT GET IT??? Very Happy

Chocolate Honey Apples

Chocolate Honey Apples



I have to mention how utterly hilarious it is trying to write a scene with *gasp* KISSING, when your brain insists on having two reactions simultaneously, one of them being the hopeless romantic, rom-com watching, Pride and Prejudice reading 24 year old, and the other being the immature, nose wrinkling, cackles at all kissing scenes ever 4 year old.

Yeah, so I guess you kind of have to be there to find it funny. But... let me reassure you. Absolutely hilarious. A bit distracting (read, kept having to stop and shut down the 4 year old) but fun to write something I don't generally nonetheless.




That was wonderful. It's weird that although we did not talk about it there are a lot of paralells in my scene and awesome is that?! Anyway you'll see! Very Happy



The kiss WAS cute. Much cuter than Leon's. Although that's not hard.

*sophomoric laughter*



Chocolate Honey Apples

Chocolate Honey Apples

I thought the next few chapter were cute :3 poor leon and elaine, leon needs to man up a bit! :/ loved it though, wonder what gwaine and merlin will say when they find out...xD



Leon's got something called Politeknightitis, where its impossible to do anything with women for fear of upsetting them. Razz We are going to have Gwaine and Elaine team up to get her and Leon together. Any thoughts on what they could plan to do? Elaine will want to get herself and Leon locked in a closet together after this doozy Razz By the end of this episode Leon will be more comfortable with her and they will actually be courting, so any cute ideas for knightly romantic gestures for when that occurs would be great too!

Chocolate Honey Apples

Chocolate Honey Apples

Again just a quick note - I think the story is going really well! But also, do you think you will include references to the Druids? I mean when leon finds out about merlins magic, it might be nice to bring in the Druids. It would create some interesting revelations because of course Leon had his life saved by Druids from Cenred. You don't have to - it was just an idea!
Okay so this post came out as a little longer that I thought! But anyway, love it and cannot wait for the next chapter! Each chapter is like gold dust!! Very Happy



Ooh, good point! Those pesky druids I always keep forgetting about. Being as mysterious as they are, I imagine they like it that way... Wink

Maybe Merlin and Gwaine could go find some druids and ask for their help?



Ah, , just to say, I'm still here and still reading Smile I've mostly been away so I'm a bit behind on comments on whatnots, I'll try and get caught up soon, honest injunn. But heh, loving it so far! Poor Leon.

Chocolate Honey Apples

Chocolate Honey Apples

Ah just quickly wanted to sayy I loved the last chapter, with Leon and Elaine talking! It was sweet Smile I'm sure Leon just needs to take some time to come round to the fact that spending an hour or two locked in a cupboard with Elaine might be something he would actually enjoy...Wink

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